So many people throw around the phrase “self Care”. Really, what does it look like? Once I stop working and giving to others, what the heck do i do next?
This is a journey I am still in the young stages of. I am GREAT at helping others decompress. I know how to support my team, family, really anyone who needs me. Supporting me, thats the hard part.
Here is a list of the things that allow me to take a break to breathe.
- Audible
- I listen to Audible books on my drives. They allow me to focus more on the books than the traffic and drivers.
- Coloring Books
- Seriously, coloring books are Awesome. There is NOTHING connected to work. They give your mind something to focus on and the colors recenter your world. How can anyone be stressed when coloring a page of their favorite things?
- Disneyland
- Yup, I am “one of those”. Disney is truly my happy place. i love strolling through the park at my leisure. The cast works hard to make everything pretty and pleasant. Its a nice stay-cation for a couple of hours.
- Shhhh…..
- Online shopping. Retail therapy is a thing!
- My Kitties
- My babies make my world so much better. They know when I need a snuggle. How can I be upset with a warm, fuzzy, purring, pile of mushy love in my lap?
- Checking in with my friends
- I know this is about self care, honestly having the right person to be your “safe harbor” to vent to, share, and talk smack with makes everything better (and usually more fun).
Tell me what You do to decompress. I always need more ideas!